BELCO - Portal

Already have a Login from the old site?

If you have a username and password for our old site, there's no need to create a new user name. Use your BELCO account number as your user name and existing password to log in

My Account Login

Don't have a User Name yet?

Creating a User Name gives you access to your account details and some great tools including:

  • - View Smart Meter consumption data
  • - View and Pay your bills online
  • - Review your transaction and payment history
  • - Analyze and download electricity usage
  • - Add multiple accounts to your web profile
  • - Report and view power outages.

Before you get started, please have your most recent bill handy to complete the registration form.

Are you a new customer?

Fill out our online Application for New Service

Starting a new project?

Fill out our online Electrical Project Request